Another resounding success! Hosted at the prestigious Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi, this exclusive event marked the 5th year of NordCham Vietnam bringing together our esteemed members.
We were privileged to welcome the distinguished presence of Nordic Ambassadors, alongside key leaders from Nordic businesses in Vietnam.
H.E. Ann Måwe, Ambassador of Sweden to Vietnam
H.E. Nicolai Prytz, Ambassador of Denmark to Vietnam
H.E. Keijo Norvanto, Ambassador of Finland to Vietnam
The discussions centered on Nordic collaboration and its quality Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), emphasizing long-term sustainability, Nordic contributions to Vietnam’s green energy transition, and the current opportunities for Nordic businesses.
This extraordinary evening wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support and sponsorship of:
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners Vietnam
ECCO Vietnam
Equinor Vietnam
Julie Sandlau Vietnam Co Ltd
Special thanks to Chef Tung Hoang, Chef Remi Vanpeteghem and their teams, who crafted a gastronomic masterpiece for the occasion, complemented by wine expert Warehouse and Carlsberg Vietnam.
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